Since entering the field of painting and general restoration over 10 years ago, I've taken pride in expanding my skill sets in the arena of finishing, and broadening my scope of work. I offer repairs on projects as small and simple as wall repairs and room painting, all the way to water damage restoration, and bathroom tub and tile glazing.
I love the challenge, and the results speak for themselves!
PA Contractor Number: PA167889
Full-Service Painting, Refinishing, Restoration, Color-Schematics, and Renovations!
Based in Squirrel Hill, PA
Services Include (but are not limited to):
Water Damage Restoration
Interior and Exterior Painting
Wall Repairs
Plaster Coatings
Texture Coating
Color schematics
Rust Restoration
Furniture Renovations
Tub and Tile Glazing
Countertop Stone-Texturing and Glazing

It's More Than Just Painting!
Countertop, Bath, and Vanity Reglazing


Major and Minor Drywall Repairs